Friday, May 4, 2012


So here are the pictures I promised last time.  I'm so sorry I've been failing at the blog but we've been pretty busy and it's been too nice outside to be working on the computer in the apartment.  We've also been traveling a lot on the weekends which means you're in for a treat!

I will try to caption each photo and then when I get home home I will write the full blog if you are still interested in reading it.  I've found it refreshing to put things off (like Marco's journal and this blog) and then sift through the pictures and my calendar notebook and get to relive all the things we did during these amazing trips.

Here goes!  we're taking a step back in time to when my parents were here (9 days in Orvieto the week.weekend before Easter).  We did a lot of traveling to places I had already been which was fun for me to get to revisit (especially places where the weather wasn't so great the first time) plus a field trip with Marco which they loved. 

Me and Dad in the upper gardens at Villa Farnese

Mom and Dad at Villa Farnese

Me and a tree :)

The POPE! (He's the one in the middle).  This is why we woke up at 4:00am on Palm Sunday morning.

After Mass.

Me and Mom at the Spanish Steps

This was the best field trip ever.  It was a relaxing trip to the "Environs" around Orvieto we went to Bolsena where there is a big volcanic lake, Civita de Bonoregio which is a tiny tiny hill town only accessible by a foot bridge, and a beautiful winery.

Beautiful tree lined street which leads from the city center of Bolsena to the lake.

Civita de Bonoregio.  Our history of architecture professor, Carol Watts has a home here which we got to see from the outside.

This is an old olive oil mill in a small restaurant where they make amazing Bruschetta.  Rick Steves went here during his 'Hill Towns of Umbria' was delicious!

Beautiful doors and entrances to the homes.

The Madonna del Latte Winery.  This was a really nice.  It was an older couple who started the winery a few years ago and their son who has basically started the business from the ground up. They gave us a tour of the winery and then a wine tasting with treats.

Fountain at Villa D'Este

Another fountain at Villa D'Este!

It was raining the whole day which was kind of a bummer, but it was still fun and I got to use my awesome umbrella!!

The Jubliee Church

Gotta run.  Time for the final dinner with the group.  CIAO!  enjoy

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