Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And We're Off!

Today I woke up in KC at 4:30am...last time I was awake that early I hadn't been asleep yet! We made it to the airport, met up with the group, compared how much luggage we each brought, got all checked in, made it through security and then boarded the plane at 730. We left the gate, creeped slowly to the runway booted up the engines, and instead of taking off we pulled off the runway and headed back to the gate. Apparently a screen in the cockpit went blank and had to be replaced before we left. It wasn a big deal but we didn't leave till about 830.

Right now I am in the DC airport getting ready to start The Agony and The Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo which I got from my grandparents for Christmas. It's a big book and will hopefully last the whole trip. We leave DC at 5:00pm local time and will get to Rome at 8:30am local time, I really hope I get some sleep on the plane!

Remember if you want to contact me, email is the best molaskey@ksu.edu. Facebook is also a good way. I will try and get Skype up and running so email if you want to set up a Skype date :)

CLIFF HANGER: I will get to my new home Orvieto, Italy!! We will move into our apartment tomorrow (Rachel Barth, Jena B., Caitlin Maus, Natalie Martell and I are all in one apartment!); classes start Friday I guess

Love to everyone and thanks to all those who helped make this trip possible and for those who are just as excited for me as I am!

Check back soon for the first photos! (I figured you didn't need to see me sitting at the airport...)