Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What A Week!

So it's officially been one week since I started this journey!  I hope y'all are enjoying the updates and aren't getting too jealous ;)  I like that I will have a detailed record of what I did on this trip and hope that it may come in handy if/when I return to Italy. 

I know I missed a couple days, but Sunday was just a lazy day with the roommates.  I slept for 12 hours, woke up at 2pm Sunday and proceded to eat some lunch.  I hung out around the apartment and went for a walk with my roommates, but other than that didn't do much of anything.  We did get Nutella crepes from a gelato place!

Monday we had our first full day of classes.  Before 9:30 studio we went to a new bar (cafe) and I got a cappuchino and a croissant with white cream in one end and Nutella in the other...Soo good.  Studio was fine, we just went over our first project and some other house cleaning things.  After studio we got lunch at a small sandwich shop.  I had a panini with just tomatoes and mozzarella which sounds boring, but the tomatoes here are my new favorite food.  At 2:00 I was scheduled to go with Serena (our Italian liason between centro studi and KSU) to the post office to get our lisence of stay cards that we are supposed to have because we are staying in Italy for more than 90 days.  They are supposed to come before we leave, but Serena says (and I have witnessed) things in Italy take a little longer than you would think.  After that we had our first seminar class which seems like it will be interesting.  We are studying healing places/spaces/landscapes as it relates to the Citta Slow movement.  After class we went down the hill to the COOP grocery store.  It was our first time down the hill on the funiculare (a single car bus tram).  We managed to follow some vague directions we got from our classmates and found it no problem.  The grocery was small compared to good ol' Schnucks but it had everything we needed, except chedder cheese or salsa for my staple, quesadillas.  We packed everything in our backpacks and hiked back to the finiculare and took the bus back to the piazza duomo and then we walked home.  After all that trapesing around I decided to read a little of my book and took a short nap.  We went to dinner for Kylie's birthday at a pizzeria which was very fun.  After dinner we went to Bar Duomo for a bit before going home to bed. 
Today, Tuesday, was another day of classes.  9:30 was Marco's history class again which was just as interesting as the first.  We discussed Greek history because it will become useful in understanding Roman history of art, architecture, politics, etc.  After class ended at 1:30 we rushed home to heat up the rotisseri chicken we got at the Market on Saturday.  I supplemented it with a small salad and some toast crackers with Nutella that we got at the COOP.  At 2:30 I had my first Italian class with marina.  She doesn't know much English by I managed to learn a lot today.  After class I went and bought a few notebooks for the various classes and came home.  I again, read some of my book and took a nap and made dinner.  After dinner I got to Skype with my mom and showed her the aparment and told her about my day etc.    Now I'm watching Push with Dakota Fanning on YouTube which is a nice way to mellow out. 

Cliff Hanger: We're going to ROME on Saturday!;  8 of us are staying at a Hostel on Saturday night in Rome;

Also, Shout out to dad....Happy Birthday!!


  1. Your blog is so much fun to read!! I am loving your adventures! Thanks for sharing :D


  2. I like Skype as much as Katy likes Nutella.
